
How to get there

A good idea! Fly to Malaga, there are much more flights (than to Granada), more convenient times and cheaper prices. There are direct buses from Málaga airport to Granada bus station. The journey takes 2 hours 15/30 minutes and a one-way ticket costs 13.72€. If you arrive at another time, it is faster to catch a bus from Málaga airport to Málaga bus station and then catch a bus to Granada. There are buses to Málaga bus station every 30 minutes and the journey takes 30 minutes. It is neccessary to buy your ticket before boarding the bus from the ticket office directly outside the arrivals hall. The price of a single ticket is 3€. There are buses to Granada every hour. The journey takes about 2 hours and costs 11.43€. It is difficult to get to Granada after 21:30.

To check the schedule of buses: ALSA webpage

A taxi from Málaga to Granada costs around 160 euros.

By plane

Granada – Jaén Airport is located 17 km. away from Granada, in the motorway to Sevilla/Málaga (A-92). The Airport’s phone numbers are: +34 958 245 200/ 23 and +34 902 400 500. From the airport there are two ways of arriving to the city:

-Bus: Departs every 30 mints from the bus stop at the airport, with several stops at the city (tf.: 958 49 01 64 ); The single ticket costs 3 € and it takes 30 min to arrive to the city centre. Stops: Aeropuerto, Caleta, Avda. Constitución, Gran Vía, P. Congresos.

-Taxi: the cost to the town centre is around 30 €. Taxi: Tele Taxi: 958 28 06 54 / Radio Taxi: 958 13 23 23

By train

Granada Train station is located in the town centre in Avenida de los Andaluces. To book a ticket, or plan your trip, please cheek: RENFE.

By Bus

Bus Station is located in the north of the city. To book a ticket , go to ALSA webpage